General Guidelines for Presenting Research and Scholarship

At SCCUR conferences, research or scholarship can be presented in two ways - as a 15-minute oral presentation or as a poster presentation. Art presentations, on the other hand, will be exhibited as part of an art exhibit. Video presentations and creative writing will be presented in an oral session format.

When submitting your abstract, you have the option to choose either a poster presentation or an oral presentation (not both) as your preferred medium.

  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early to your assigned location to set up. All sessions will begin promptly.

  • To create a scholarly presentation, follow your academic discipline's format. Science and social science presentations usually include Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Other disciplines may have less formal components, but an introduction, addressing a question, and analyzing results are essential. In visual and creative arts, include an artist's statement. Consult your faculty mentor to determine the right format.

  • Ensure your presentation is accessible to a broad academic audience while maintaining disciplinary rigor. Be prepared to explain terms unfamiliar to non-experts.

  • Anticipate possible questions. Take notes on questions and the names and addresses of the contacts you make while discussing your work.

  • Rehearse your presentation in advance.

  • Remember to always be honest, acknowledge all sources, and show respect to your audience. Also, pay attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.